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Welcome to Anthem Christian School

Empowering Students

to Excel

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What to Look for at Anthem

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Academic Excellence

Anthem Christian School develops lifelong learners who can perform, achieve, and excel in scholastic activities.


Christ-Centered Education

Anthem Christian School partners with families to impart God’s teachings and values to a new generation of servant leaders and provide every opportunity to understand the Word of God better.

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Safe Environment

Anthem Christian School desires to be a school that is safe for children, families, and staff members at all times.


 Why Anthem Christian School? 


Transformative Education

Discover an approach beyond textbooks, fostering critical thinking, and creativity.

Safe Learning Environment


We prioritize your child’s safety, providing a secure and nurturing space.

Personalized Attention


With small class sizes, every student receives the attention they deserve.

“If you hold to my teaching, you are my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”


— John 8:31-32

Enroll at Anthem Christian School

Experience the difference at Anthem Christian School. Take the first step towards an exceptional education for your child.


Discover the Difference. Watch Now.

What Parents Say

Karen H.

“Anthem is amazing!!! My son was going to Salinas Christian and is now attending Anthem, and it’s been great. The staff is wonderful and he loves it!!!
He is learning great values, morals, and getting chapel weekly.”

Take a quick peek inside.

Our Commitment to Safety

Ensuring the well-being of our students and staff is our top priority. Discover our comprehensive safety measures and protocols.

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